Sunday, November 06, 2011

House of Cards

Life is always on I'll teach you a lesson son! gear, especially when you are feeling least vulnerable or feel a little high on confidence about tackling a situation (because you've been through similar things before and got out nearly undamaged in the past). It isn't about a warlike scenario or some extraordinary circumstances that I'm talking about, sometimes even going through your daily functions when you are at peace with yourself leave alone cheerful (oblivious of the fact that something may go wrong). This is the time it strikes; a bolt from the blue ( as the cliché goes), virtually pushing you to the brink.

You may have put a lifetime to train your mind to tackle such situations smoothly. But,at that moment everything seems to be falling apart like a House of Cards. Your faith, your belief just evaporate.

Eventually you survive, regroup, maybe a little bruised, maybe scarred. Because, you are programmed for self-preservation and to cheerfully continue the charade. 


harimohan said...

true Paresh you have put it eloquently

Alexis said...

I understand and I many times I feel the same. But that is life and it must go on...

Anonymous said...

Hi...Like the bit about self preservation...very true....quite understand it very well.... Thats what we all do... keep going cos tomorrow will be better than today!!!(hopefully). The experiences also do definitely make us stronger human beings!!!


Tme said...

Hope you tackled the situation and is fine. Take care.

Ash said...

"and to cheerfully continue the charade"
